My Morning Routine

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Do you have a morning routine? Here’s a peek into mine.

I share this because since setting up a routine, I’ve kept my mornings sacred and protected, and start my day off with clarity and strength. I hope you can create one of your own that fuels your soul and prepares you for the day ahead. Or maybe you already have one? Please comment or DM me what you do - I’m always looking to experiment and add things into my mix! Take whatever you want, and leave whatever you don’t - this is YOUR sacred morning routine


First - I create really strong habits with my phone. I was inspired by my good friend Jessica Clifton (@impactforgood) who told me that she deletes all of her social media apps before she goes to bed, and charges her phone in the other room while she was sleeping. I created App Limits on the “Downtime” feature on my iPhone, and if you have an Android you can set the same boundaries using these techniques.



First, I start with drinking a full glass of water. There are several health benefits to kicking off our days with a tummy full of water, including healthy digestion, boosts of energy, rehydration, and more alertness.

(If you’re a coffee drinker like me, I would wait to drink coffee until after the breath work and meditation. )


I typically sit outside so I can be alone, I light a candle, and occasionally burn Palo Santo to clear my mind. I try to create my morning space to be the same place every day. I like to call it my “perch” inspired from Jane Johnson’s book “Mercy Like Morning.” It doesn’t take much, just a cushion, a blanket, a candle, and some privacy.



I start with Wim Hof breathing exercises. These includes heavy breathing for ~30 seconds, then holding your breath for different amounts of time. I find that it pulls me into the present, creates space for peace, and reminds me of what my body is capable of doing.

You can either download the app (the first 5 breath sessions are free, then it’s $35/year) or you can listen to this free recording on Spotify (it’s only 3 rounds, so you can replay as many times as you’d like)


Then, I meditate.

I’m currently using HeadSpace, as I’ve only been meditating consistently for about three months now. Meditation has changed my life. Sometimes it feels like there’s an imaginary forcefield around my brain that protects me from thoughts and external factors that would once consume my mind. I’m learning that intention in meditation is everything. And for me, more often than not, that intention is about being the best version of myself who can show up for others and play a big game in the world.

If you want - let’s become Headspace buddies! Add me here.

If you’re more advanced with meditating - check out my friend George’s playlist.


Then, I make my coffee.

I typically make a French press, but sometimes if I’m feeling ~fancy~ I’ll make a pour over, either way, I compost the grounds after. I’m also extremely intrigued in the healing benefits of mushrooms, so sometimes I add a scoop of Lion’s Mane and Chaga to my coffee. I also occasionally use Laird’s turmeric creamer.


Then I journal. I use the Five Minute Journal to write my gratitudes, priorities, and affirmations, then another journal for reflections, prayers, and ideas. I find that writing down my thoughts helps me identify what it is I’m thinking, and identify if it’s true or not (ex: a lie about myself in the form of self-doubt). I also find that the power of written word is VERY powerful, and I’ve experienced some amazing results of manifestation from this practice.


Then I move my body. I like to live an active lifestyle, and I’m developing a great relationship with exercise. I find that when I move my body, I have more energy throughout the day, and sleep better at night. My exercise is a form of gratitude for my body, and my body ALWAYS surprises me with what it can do. Right now, I’m participating in Chloe Ting’s 28 Day Challenge with a few friends. You’re welcome to join us!



Then I make my green smoothie. I’ve found that my smoothie is the way to pack in all sorts of amazing nutrients in a condensed yummy way. I load it up with greens, berries, bananas, Orgain plant protein, flax seeds, and occasionally some Amazing Grass. Sometimes if I’m more hungry, I’ll top it off with granola, cocoa nibs, and sliced fruit - more like a smoothie bowl!

From there I shower, get changed, and start my work day. All in all, it usually takes me around 2 hours. I know it sounds like a lot - but by prioritizing my mental health, nutrition, and intentions - everything else in the day seems to fall into place.

Again - I’d love to hear what you do during your morning routines! Comment on this post or send me a message on Instagram.

Wishing you all health + happiness!